Friday 2 September 2016



Work performance are appraised and validated periodically. Organizational performance when and its resultant efficiency and effectiveness can only be achieved when individuals are continuously appraised and evaluated. The  inability  of organization to install an effective performance appraisal; strategy  has  hindered the from achieving competitive advantage   which they  require  more now  than  ever  before. The fundamental aim of performance appraisal is to assist workers to discover their weakness and strengths, which therefore assist employers to make some crucial decisions on how to distribute organizational resources and   effort, based on the benefit each employer requires. The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of performance evaluation on organizational productivity, data used were sourced both from primary and   secondary sources. Questionnaires were distributed to a selected staffs Zenith Bank Plc Abuja Regional Headquarters, who were interviewed questionnaire administered  to ensure objectivity and reliability of data obtained. Secondary data were collected by consulting existing materials, such as reports and publications, textbooks and the internet. The  data Chi-square  statistical  tool was employed during  the  course of  this  research, a few  findings  were made which  revealed  that the  workers need  to be  motivated, pursuant to achieving organizational goals. It is concluded that  performance appraisal helps in identifying the strengths and weakness of employees by way of recognizing and rewarding hard work and efficiency or punishing for poor performance. The study recommend that organizational performance criteria should be done accurately to improve productivity where corrective measures are necessary and are taken.

Title Page                                                                                                    i
Declaration                                                                                                 ii
Certification                                                                                                         iii
Dedication                                                                                                  iv
Acknowledgements                                                                                     v
Abstract                                                                                                      vi
Table of Contents                                                                                       viii
1.1 Background of the Study ……………………………………………    1
1.2 Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………    5
1.3 Research Questions …………………………………………………     5
1.4 Objectives of the Study     …………………………………………      6
1.5 Research Hypothesis         ……………………………………………….      6
1.6 Significance of the Study   ………………………………….……..       6
1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study………………………………..                7
1.8 Definition of Terms ……………………………………………….       7                
2.1 Introduction……………………………………………………….                   9

2.2.1 Job Description and Specification …………………………             10                                                              
2.2.2 Performance Evaluation ………………………… ……………                  10

2.2.3 Performance Evaluation in A Management Context         …………           12                                 
2.2.4 Performance Management Process ……………………………                   14                                           
2.2.5 Objectives of Performance Evaluation        …………………………           19                                 
2.2.6 Effects of Performance Evaluation ……………………………                   22     
2.2.7 Procedures for Evaluating Performance Appraisal        ……………                   24
2.2.8 Methods of Performance Evaluation ……………………        ……..                   26
2.2.9 Types of Appraisals …………………………      …………………. .         27
2.2.10 Methods of Performance Evaluation in Special Situation      ………       28
2.2.11 Performance Review/Outcomes ………………………………..                29 Benefits of Performance Evaluation     …………………………         30
2.2.13 Detriments to Effective Performance Evaluation ……………          31
2.3. Empirical Literature on Performance Appraisal…………………          31
2.3.1 Performance Appraisal and Staff Development  ……………             35
2.3.2 Performance Appraisal and Organizational Productivity………       39
2.4 Theoretical Framework………………………………………….            42
2.4.1 Theory of Staff Development  ………………………………..            42
2.4.2 Theory of Organizational Productivity …………………………                43
2.5   Summary     ………………………… ………………………….                     47
3.6.3 Introduction……………………………………………………………                48
3.2 Research Design ………………………………………………………            48
3.3   Method of Data Collection………………………………………….                    48
3.4   Population and Sampling Technique…………………………………               49
3.5   Method of Data Analysis…………………………………………….              49
3.6   Justification of the Technique ………………………………………….            59
3.7   Summary……………………………………………………………….               50
Introduction ……………………………………………………………… ..             51
4.1 Data Presentation    ………………………………………………….              51      
4.1.1 Respondents Response by Sex …………………………………………            51
4.1.2 Respondents Response by Age Distribution ………………………………    52
4.1.3 Respondents Response by Marital Status ………………………………….    53
4.1.4 Respondents Response by Educational Qualification ………… ………           53
4.1.5 Respondents Response by Cadre/ Level in the Bank……………………        53        
4.1.6 Respondents Response by Length of Service ……………………………          53
4.2 Data Analysis ………………………………………………………………….  54
4.2.1 Performance appraisal has significant impact
on organizational productivity………………………………………………           54 
4.2.2 Is performance appraisal and evolution necessary for staff career and
Organization growth?...........................................................................          54
4.2.3 Are the bank’s employees carried along in the performance appraisal
Process?.....................................................................................................    55
4.3 Testing of Hypothesis ………………………………… ……                          55
4.4 Discussion of Finding …………………………………………                55
4.5 Summary……………………………………………………                       60
5.1 Summary……………………………………………………        …….             61
5.2 Conclusion………………………………………………………..                    62
625.3 Recommendations. …………………………………………………… 62

5.4 Suggestions for Further Studies …………………………………  63    Biography
Appendix I            
Appendix II                                                        

1.1 Background of the Study
Organizational performance and its resultant efficiency and effectiveness can only be achieved when individuals are continuously appraised and evaluated. The inability of organization to install an effective performance appraisal strategy has hindered them, from achieving competitive advantage which they require more than ever before. Appraisal processes are not systematic and regular and often characterized by personal influences occasioned by organizations preoccupation to use confidential appraisal system which hinders objectivity and fairness.
          In every well organized business outfit, work force performance, is appraisal and validated periodically. It is a process of comparing expected performances, with actual performance. The overall goal of performance management is to ensure that the organization and all of its subsystems (processes, departments, teams, employees, etc.) are working together in a way that efficiently contributes to achievement of the organization’s goals. This reminds us that being busy is not the same as producing results. Good performance redirects efforts away from busyness towards effectiveness.
          Thus, all over the place employees have always been reckoned the most valuable and important resource of the business. It is on employee that the

Success or failure of any organization anchors. When they perform their duties well, the result is success but when they perform badly, its result to failure. It important that jobs well coordinated with one another, and that the right calibers of people occupy the right position and are given adequate training, as well as paid commensurate remuneration.
We quickly note here that these do not single handedly assure efficiency, good job descriptions and job specifications are excellent helpful tools in achieving tasks but do not on their own guaranteed best possible selection and assignment of employees to jobs and responsibilities, nor assure that they are trained and paid properly. Rather good job descriptions, clearly stipulated and formulated job specifications would enhance selection, training and remuneration decisions.
Performance appraisal cannot be meaningful without an insight to what is happening within the frame work of the job analysis. Then we ask, what is job analysis Job analysis therefore simply means the evaluation of the attributes of a job that make it possible to achieve its desirable performance.
According to Ajuogu (1995), Job analysis is an examination of the facts concerning the content, duties, responsibilities and process in each job, and the type of workers and personnel needed to do job. In furtherance, Fagbohunge and Longe (1994) have said that it is the systematic study of the duties, responsibilities, requirement, and skills, of a job. It includes identifying the relevant aspects of a job with respect to its duties, responsibilities, techniques, procedures, and instruments, as well as general working condition. It involves job descriptions and job specifications. Normally, it is only when we ascertain a job that we can determine the type of persons or staff to do it, how to train such staff, as well as appraise his/her performance and/or remunerate him commensurably for achieving or completing it. The information got from the processes of job analysis both forms the basis for designing and administering job description and job specification on one hand and performance evaluation on the other hand.
      Understanding the definition of performance appraisal would enable us lay a solid foundation to capture what the concept of performance appraisal is all about.alo (1999) defines performance appraisal as a process involving deliberate stock taking of the success, which an individual or organization has achieved in performing assigned tasks or meeting set goals over a period of time. It therefore shows that performance appraisal practices should be deliberate and not by accident. It calls for serious approach to knowing how the individual is doing in performing his or her tasks.
          A sound appraisal system must be fair and acceptable to all parties and based on guidelines already established by the management on what is expected, regarding all processes employees follow, in pursuant to achieving organizational objectives. Normally, when goals are set for employees and the entire organization, the necessary resources are provided. So, evaluations are based on opportunities and resources available to perform the assigned task as defined by management. Appraisal is therefore, a process which involves judging the worth quality and/or condition of a situation/activity or object and assessing its value. Thus, effective human resources management is important for an organization to establish a good and proper performance appraisal system, which forms the anchor for purposeful stocktaking and further development of the workforce.
We require a systematic consideration and appraisal of professional opinion when considering which doctor/surgeon to hire for a major operation. Such opinion will review and consider information regarding the professionalism and quality of the reputation of such surgeons including skills, knowledge, patience, care etc. this requires a systematic evaluation of relevant and essential factors in order to make a rational judgment. The process of appraising an employee’s worth must be systematic, in order that the appraiser arrives at a rational judgment, without depending on his personal whims and caprices.
The objectives of both employees and the organization should not conflict, but must obey the management principles which states that personals goals must be subsumed into organizational goals. When this happens, then employees’ performance can be fairly evaluated. Managers have the responsibility to appraising the performance of their subordinates with the aim of assessing their characters, attitudes and potentials, as well as performances on the job. This function has often been referred to as performances on the job. This function has often been referred to as performances “Appraisal” “rating” or “evaluation” no matter the name, the purpose of this activity is to evaluate the employee’s strength and weakness, focusing on their needs for improvement and further development. The aim of employee appraisal is to obtain information for promotion, demotion and transfer, pay, increase, training and development and disengagement. for the employee, appraisal gives him feedback on how management perceives his performance and this is expected to be fair enough, but if he is unjustly poorly evaluated, it could affect his morale, and result in job dissatisfaction, absenteeism and tardiness and at last his overall productivity, honestly and fair play.
The purpose of an organization is to achieve its defined objectives and in other to achieve these, resources such as human, materials, machine and capital are important. Among all these, the human factor mostly influences the destiny of any business. Therefore, staff must be equipped, motivated, and their contributions assessed, appraised, controlled, evaluated and directed towards achieving organizational goals. Human beings are different in many ways, so their characters are quite naturally complex and their behaviour unpredictable. For this reason, a systematic approach to evaluate their performances is necessary, as a guide to realizing their corporate objectives.
Many superiors shy away from evaluating employees they supervise especially, on their areas of weakness. Notwithstanding, employee informally evaluate one another, including their superiors. When the official evaluation is released, employees compare opinions they hold with the formal evaluation result from their superiors. A supervisor is said to be fair and unfair based on, employees’ pre-conceived opinion of themselves and others. Quite regrettably some organizations still ignore the importance of performance evaluation, whereas some others recognize it, but appraise their staff just for a simple reason that it is a management process and fail to implement the assessment outcomes due to lack of funds to back it up or even with the purposeful intent to deny employees their rights.
 There are basically three types of appraisal. These include confidential or secret appraisal, open appraisal and we also have semi open and semi secret.
Confidential appraisal means that an individual is not involved in the appraisal exercise as the appraisal outcome is not at all communicated to the person being appraised. In essence, the person’s strengths and weaknesses are not communicated to him or her.
1.2         Statement of The Problem
Appraisal of employees’ performance by their superiors in most cases is inadequate. The manager may be biased towards a particularly individual or employee and some managers see the appraisal period as a time to equal scores on past event or misunderstanding between them. Such managers carry their grudges into their appraisal of the individuals.
While there have been several empirical studies on the impact of performance evaluation on organizational performance or productivity concentrating on non profit organizations perspectives by looking at profit, structure improvement, market shares and returns. However, little attention has been paid to responsibility for departmental appraisal, comprising employees efficiency, effects on performance of organizational success, and chances of performance appraisal on organizational development.
Furthermore, most of the researches conducted are based in the non profit making organizations within Nigeria which is misleading. in view of this, the study would fill a knowledge gap by using profit oriented organization data to investigate the impact of performance evaluation on organizational productivity using Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc as a case study.
1.3           Research Questions
This study addresses the following research questions
        i..What is the impact of performance appraisal on staff development?
       ii. To what extent does performance appraisal enhance organizational                  productivity?
     iii. What is the relationship between performance appraisal and staff training?
    iv. What is the relationship between performance appraisals on staff   productivity?
1.4     Objectives of the Study
 The main objectives of this study are to examine the impact of performance       appraisal on organizational productivity. The specific objectives are:
1.     To examine the relationship between staff appraisal and productivity.
2.     Identifying training needs, improving present performance of employees, improving potentials, improving potentials, improving communication, improving motivation and aids in pay determination.
3.     To analyze the influence of effective appraisal method on staff productivity.
4.     To determine how performance appraisal serve as a roadmap for attaining organizational development by corporate organizations.
  1.5      Research Hypothesis
             The following assumptions were adopted for the purpose of achieving the objectives of this study;
             Ho1:      Performance appraisal has no significant impact on                     organizational productivity
             Ho2:      Performance appraisal has significant impact on organizational           productivity.
             Ho1:      Performance appraisal has no significant impact on staff                      training .
             Ho2:      Performance appraisal has significant impact on staff training.

1.6  Significance of Study
Naturally, all goal-oriented organizations have effective performance       appraisal system that serve as the basis for a purposeful and rational assessment of her human resources, as well as determine the value of tasks in the organization.
Performance appraisal is packaged as a foundation for measuring employee’s progress, in relation to set goals, attitude of management and supervision of personal towards achieving corporate goals. This is important to revealing how staff appraisal exercise is carried out in Zenith Bank Plc Nigeria, its role on staff organizational development and productivity.

1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study
The researcher certainly had obvious constraints and could not have control over every situation surrounding the study. Some were controllable; others were manageable, where as some were absolutely beyond her scope. Thus in the course of this study, some challenges were encountered and these in no small measure constraint the study. Also, respondents were hardly available and prepared to respond to the questionnaires and interviews, however adequate information / data were gathered. The scope of the study means the depth and breadth of the research work, its covers all the topics outlined in the table of content. Notwithstanding its broadness, the limits to which the study determined to cover, depends on the size of sample available to the researcher. However, some members of the management and staff of the Zenith Bank Plc  Nigeria were chosen to constitute our sample for better and objective evaluation of the parameters of this research. The staffs chosen were mainly the senior and junior staffs which comprises of permanent staff and contract staff. Data gathered from questionnaire and personnel discussion formed the basis of analysis and conclusion(s). Nigeria. Its information, implementation and its effectiveness towards the achievement of the organizational goals and objectives. The scopes cover the areas of performance evaluation option used by Zenith Bank Plc
1.8 Definition of Terms
Appraisal:  Means the act of evaluating the performance of an employee
based on his past performance on the job, thereby discovering his potentials for development.
Appraise: The subordinate whose performance is being rated.
Appraiser: This refers to the superior officer who appraises the subordinate’s
performances over a given period.
Evaluation: This consists of objectives assessment of a project,
Programmes policy at all stages. i.e. planning, implementation and measurement of outcome.
Human Resources: Refers to the human capital or number of workers that
 make up the workforce of an organization.
Organization: An organization is the harmonization of the activities of groups
of people for the achievement of pre-objectives through division of labour or
hierarchy of authority.
Performance: The outcome of actions or the action that produce the outcome in
a job process.
Performance Evaluation: This is the process of systematically evaluating an
employee’s productive ability over a given period.


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